Maa(poem) :- kaushik mukherjee

Kaushik mukherjee


This body, made by you
Just wanna say, I Love You,
I am blessed to have you beside,
Always for me, keeping your dreams aside
I saw you eating half a plate of food
(You always made my tummy full)
Working even after 10, and sleeping so late
For me, you left your dreams
Without making any screams
It was you, whom I first saw
My first GOD, according to nature’s law
You stayed awake the whole night when I was sick,
Sitting beside me, my pain went away with just a touch
You create a home in a house
Do I still need a spouse
You were the one to sacrifice your present,
for me to rise in resilence
You are the queen of my heart and I bow,
to bless me with knowledge wisdom and love
I have lot to say, but then words are too small
Always beside you, even if I don’t call
You are my god, to train me and nurture me,
to be wise and foresee
This is small poem of my love for you
By a person whose world is you.