Motivational Strips , the world’s most active writers forum celebrates International Mother Language Day 2022 with internationally renowned poets.


Bangalore:- Motivational Strips, through its innumerable contributions to promote world literature has become the best place where poets from all over the world shares their talent. On 21 Feb 2022 in order to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism, Motivational Strips has conducted a multilingual poetry meet in the presence of internationally known poets.The entire programme was hosted by Media Spokeperson Sreekala P Vijayan along with Sakina Mohammed, a r    enowned poetess from Srilanka.
The ambiance was so meaningful filled with highly valuable speeches and renditions by the poets. Pankajam Kottarath,who is an author of 33 books, an admin of Motivational Strips rendered her poems in Malayalam, Ipsita Ganguly, a wonderful lady with mny caps to adorn, recited her poem in bengali. The beautiful rendition in assamese language by Mousumi Kalita Sachdeva, director, Griffin Publications , soulful hindi rendition by the famous awardwinning poetess, Sarita Tripadi , followed by an english poem from Shaheen Akhter who has recently published her debut poetry book.
Forum founder Shiju H Pallithazheth applauded the performances of the participants and the initiative taken by the hosts. He added that Motivational Strips will be conducting many such programmes in future. He highlighted that there are many ventures coming up for the budding writers. The announcement of the glorious Golden Badge is one among those.


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